Because Jason is a wonderful husband and father, he gave me the ok to set out for Dallas yesterday morning to visit my dear friend Amy. I've know Amy since high school at Loyola and then we went to SMU together as well. Even though we parted ways after graduation, she staying in Dallas and myself off to Atlanta, we have thankfully remained dear friends. And to further strenghthen the bond, when we Jason & I moved back to Shreveport, we bought a house only a few houses down from Amy's parents! Although she does not make it home nearly as often as she should, I know that when she is home, I can make the short 2 minute walk down the street for a quick visit. In the past three years, with the birth of three children, I have not been able to talk with her as much as I would like so even 24 hours spent with her, Joe and baby Christopher was such a blessing and a wonderful way to spend my weekend. We went to Northpark and did some window shopping as I haven't been there since graduating from SMU nearly 10 years ago. Wow, the changes were mind blowing! Sweet Christopher, 4 months old, tagged along shopping and to dinner, and with very little napping, was a perfect angel. A little retreat, some girl time, and some relaxation was just what I needed. Jason survived with the trio and the house was still in one piece! The love of friends and family is such a wonderful thing and something I will be extra thankful this Thanksgiving!