I'm back on the blogging bandwagon! So much has happened in two months! Attached is a link to my most recent photos...mainly Mother's Day activities with a few Easter pics thrown in. Speaking of Easter, it was a rainy, rainy day here in Shreveport. I was a bit bummed because by the time we got home from church, we were all so wet that I couldn't get any good family photos and the trio all looked so nice in their Sunday best! Oh well...
Good times:
Sibling love - there is something special about having three babies within 18 months! For the most part, they are one another's entertainment. They don't really need me to keep them occupied; I am simply a referee (see bad times!). I love when they are in a room and I get to overhear their conversations. I love when Haley says "its ok baby brother" or Gracie goes and gets Haley's baby Sally because she can tell her sister wants it. Sam is the little lovebug/comedian. He gives his sisters great hugs (when not pushing/hitting...again, see bad times) and keeps them (and me and Jason) laughing. I really cannot begin to explain how heartwarming it is to see them interact with one another. Smiles, hugs and squeals of laughter make the craziness of our life so worth it.
Our new house - we have so much more room to spread out. The kids have a great hallway to run and play chase as well as their own area for toys, books, etc. Their daddy worked really hard a few weeks ago and put together a great swing set in the backyard. Our front and backyard are huge so that has really provided us with lots of good out door time. The previous owner had triplets and left us their triple stroller which is perfect for strolls around the neighborhood, including walks to Tootsie & Pop's house. Hopefully my parents enjoy having us close because I LOVE IT!!!
Friends - Having a great circle of friends for support during the highs and lows of life. You know who you are and I love you =)
I am grateful for Candace organizing a Sunday Run for Him...more uplifting than you know!
Bad Times:
Sibling rivalry - this is real life people! My children fight, they whine, they pitch fits, they hit each other, they push each other and we are attempting to potty train! Need I say more?! I told my mom a few weeks ago that I didn't think I was going to survive parenthood. This is hands down the hardest thing I have ever done. I am continually fighting off my impatient tendencies and sometimes I'm not sure I can say "stop" one more time. Obviously the tears shed (usually mine) are worth it but there are times when I think I may burst. Thank goodness I have God and His word in my life, along with a few kindred spirits, to see me along.
Our new house - bigger doesn't always mean better but bigger does mean more expenses which translates into budget woes. The place needs some TLC but fortunately we plan to be there for a long time so I do think we have invested wisely.
So, there is a very small snippet of the Greer life since March. I hope to keep this thing more up to date in the future. I take my last test (hopefully, keep your fingers crossed) at the beginning of June so I'm hoping for lots more time on my hands. Yeah, that's not going to happen, but a girl can dream can't she?!