Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a picture can speak 1,000 words!

Thanks to Candace and her mad photography skills, she captured the essence of these two wacky little girls! They've come so far and battled through the medical odds which only gave them a 25% chance of survival. In August, just a few short days after we celebrate their 5th birthday, they'll start the next chapter in their lives in kindergarten! W.O.W.
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Flashback Friday

Thanksgiving 2004

NYC January 2005

our first set of twins!  Lily, left and Bella, right

Until I can get our printer/scanner working, this is as far back as my digital images date.  I found it amusing how many pictures I have of the dogs prior to 8/19/05.  Since then they have hardly been featured!  We did have to find a better home for Bella after Sam's birth.  Two big dogs, 3 small  children, a frantic mama and a daddy working nights was not a healthy combo!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

a Wednesday picnic

It has been a beautiful week here in the Port City so I planned a little picnic dinner for us after school/work and before choir/mission friends (the old school name... I think the new millinieum version is Bible Blitz).We put our blanket on the front lawn of the church as this is a part of the campus my children are least familiar with.  The trio dinned on their peanut butter crackers, raisins, cheese and water.  Then Tootsie joined us and read a book to Haley while the other two took off running up and down the steps.  I had almost all of my elementary school class pictures taken on those steps so I enjoyed watching them literally run in the same place where my feet were planted years and years ago.  We capped the glorious afternoon off with chocolate pudding!  Then we headed indoors for the Wednesday evening activities.  It was a great way to spend to some QT with my babies, my mom and my God.
I took some pics of the Sanctuary and had fun with Picassa trying to make them look all artsy.  Here's a collage for the variations I created.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2008 where are you?

Next month, Haley graduates from preschool!  As there is a ceremony and all, I am to furnish 5 pictures for a slideshow presentation.  I pulled the box 'o photos down from my closet shelf and begin sorting through the stacks to find Haley only photos from birth to present.  As I finished, I realized, I do not have a single picture from the year 2008!!  What?!  I know I took pictures because I have them on my computer.  See here for evidence:

Did I simply forget to order hardcopies or did I order them and misplace them?  Either option is viable...there is no telling but I'm hoping a 2008 picture of Haley makes its way to my kitchen table by next week so that I can get it to daycare and we can document that year in the slideshow!
As a sidenote, looking through old pictures always makes me a bit sentimental and weepy.  I can't remember where I place things but I can remember rather vividly each moment captured in the pictures.  Even though I have normal 4 1/2 year old girls, seeing their 1 pound frames surround by tubes, wires and all the other accessories that accompany a NICU stay pierces my heart.  However, through the beauty of photos, I can see God's healing power and the transformation of those 1 pound micropreemies into 5 pound darlings dressed in their first Christmas dresses ready to head home after a long 4 months and 3 days.  Then they're one, then they're 18 months, then there is a baby brother making his way into the world!  A beatiful story those pictures show and so it goes on and on. 
It was 5 years ago this week that we saw those two little spots on an ultrasound and our lives have been completely transformed since then.  Days are hard and the struggles are many, but in 5 more years, I'll look back on the photos of 2010 and only see the blessings of life and all the joy with two 4 1/2 year olds and a 3 year old!

Monday, April 12, 2010

an ode to my hometown

As I was running Saturday morning, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the spring morning and just couldn't help but feel blessed beyond measure.  I know this little town of Shreveport isn't for everyone, but I'm happy to make it my home and here are some reasons why:

S - spring and sunshine!  This current weather pattern is what every chamber of commerece wants...cool, crisp mornings, highs in the 70's-low 80's, low humidity, no clouds, blue skies!! 
H - home; we've been in our house just over a year now and I love it!  The list is miles long of things I want to do to it, but considering we're planning on staying put for at least 10-15 years, I figure I've got time for all that.  Love the proximity to everything, love the size (most of the time), love the yard, even love the stopped up toilets, broken pipes and sometimes malfunctioning heat/ac!
R - running; see "S" for why this is such a great time to hit the asphalt around town!
E - eating; crawfish with friends, Johnny's pizza, Herby K's, Superior
V - vegitation; the azaleas are in bloom everwhere along with lots of other spring plants/flowers.  The trees are sprouting green buds...just can't help but smile to see God's creation
E - ease of getting around; after years of living in Dallas and the ATL, I love that I can get just about anywhere in 10 minutes or less!  Only traffic snarl is Youree drive just about anytime of the day, but most  of the time I simply avoid it
P - people, people!  Too bad Shreveport doesn't start with a "p" because this is #1 on my list!  We are surrounded by family and friends that R.O.C.K.  Without all of these special people in our lives, it would be sad.
O - October - another great weather month and my birth month (along with several other fine folks!  Ok, "O" is a stretch, but had a hard time with this little letter!)
R - really comfortable; feels right being here...I like familiarity
T - The First Baptist Church of Shreveport...it's history, it's memebers, it's staff

And here's just a few photos of some of the things I love in this town...I couldn't fit it all into one small, Picassa collage, but you get the idea =)
(a few photos of courtesey of Candace!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

our evening outing

Jason had plans this evening and our refrigerator is rather bare, so I decided to brave Strawn's Eat Shop with my merry little trio for an early dinner. As soon as I mentioned pancakes and bacon, they jumped onto that bandwagon. I ordered one order of hot cakes and three orders of bacon for them. I went with a good 'ol comfort food staple in meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and broccoli. It was good, but I gotta say, my hubby's meat loaf is way better! However, unlike eating at home, we were able to leave the sticky mess, hop in our car and drive away. Yeah, no KP duty for mommy!
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a post Easter goose egg

I had my camera at work yesterday...I tend to upload pics, blog and facebook during my lunch break.  I left quickly to beat the rain storm (I get real irritated when I have to haul 3 children from daycare to the car in a monsoon) and left my camera in my office but I wasn't too concered as we were headed to church and didn't anticipate needing to document anything.  Dang, I was wrong!
I picked Sam up first and in his excitment to see his sisters, he took off running down the hallway.  I called to him to stop and no sooner had the words exited my lips, he ran full force into the cement wall!  He landed flat on his back with one of those cries that breaks a mother's heart.  I scooped him up with tears in my eyes and the blue knot had already begun to form on his little forhead.  His teacher was just steps behind me and took him to put ice on it while I went to retrieve the girls.  Here's where my camera come into play.  I wish you could see the size of that goose egg potruding from his head!!  After a few minutes with an ice pack, he was fine.  I used the opportunity to talk about why we don't run at school, church or inside the house.  They listened to me for about 5 minutes then proceeded to run up and down the hallways at church!
I'll try to get a shot of it tonight but even this morning it was looking much better!

p.s. - my mom told me that my grandfather fell and has a black eye and stiches above his eyebrow...must be something about those Sams...Samuel Jasper (aka Sambo) and Samuel Scott!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

wordless Wednesday

there is no denying it...she's my mom!

Last week, a sweet friend invited me and several others to attend an informational meeting for BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) as a new study (Isaiah) is beginning next fall.  I've been looking for a way to get connected to an indepth Bible study and was able to swing a deal with my boss that allows me to attend the day time session.  Anywho, I had been planning on going to this meeting for about a week but hadn't mentioned it to anyone (as in my mom or husband both of whom I speak with daily!) for no other reason than it just didn't come up. I meant to mention it to my mom yesterday as she came over after we got home to help entertain as the power was out.  She helped me with the kids and we even took them on a long walk around the neighborhood...the BSF topic never arose (she has done it in the past and so I intended on asking questions).  So last night I had a dream that mom showed up at the meeting and we were both a little stunned.  Wouldn't you know that totally happened today!!  As I walked into First Baptist Bossier, I ran into Jennifer G. who told me my mom was sitting in the pews and they had a nice little visit.  I almost couldn't get any words out...I know the Shreveport/Bossier area is relatively small and you can bet on running into someone you know most places you go, but this seemed divinely planned!  I am not claiming to be any kind of Daniel filled with prophetic dreams but I do think it speaks to the power of the Holy Spirit and how he helped confirm to me that this study is going be powerful for me and my mom.  It also goes to show, that no matter how much I age, I am still my mama's baby girl (and I think I am stuck with taking care of her when she is old (er) and crazy (ier))!!