The Greers went to the beach! Well, 4 out of 5 of us! Jason had to stay home and work as he hasn't quite worked long enough for vacation time. Two years ago, I drove back the 8+ hours by myself with the girls who were almost three and Sam, age 4 months. I'm smart enough to realize, that should never (I repeat never!) be done again! Fortunately, Tootsie graciously volunteered to make the ride with us there and back while Pop followed in a separate car. In retrospect, the drive wasn't that bad, but I am choosing to forget some of the bad moments.
We had fun despite daddy's absence (but we certainly look forward to his attendance next year!). We went to the docks to see all the fish the rest of our family caught; we made princess cupcakes; we enjoyed morning breakfasts on the porch overlooking the beautiful blue water and white sand; we made a trip to Perdido see our friends, Jack, Candace, Anna Grace & Zeke; we took a trip in town to Target; we played with Aunt Becky, Uncle Dave, Aunt Martha, Jay and all our Flournoy cousins; and of course we played on the beach and in the water. Despite all the help, mommy worked her little tail off and it really was no vacation for me, but it makes me so happy to make these memories with my children. While each day varied a bit, just wanted to share our typical schedule:
6:00-6:30 am up with the sun
6:45 am on the beach in pajamas
7:00 am breakfast stage 1
7:21 am back to the beach/to the baby pool/morning cartoons
9:00ish am everyone in the house gets up
9:15 am breakfast stage 2
9:45 am back to the beach in bathing suits and sunscreen
9:50 am Sam back to the house occupied with the water hose
10:15 am girls back to the house to be with Sam
10:20 am snack time!
10:30-noon tv, pool, beach, whatever
noon lunch
12:30 pm start the nap process
1:15 pm everyone asleep, but in different rooms...mommy juggles keeping all other house occupants out of napping rooms
1:30 pm mommy studies =( (and promptly falls asleep)
2:30-6:00 snacks, beach, pool, snacks, tv, beach, pool, get the idea
6:00 dinner stage 1
7:00 baths
7:30 dinner stage 2
8:00 bedtime hell begins
8:00-9:00 fighting sleep; 3 little monkeys in one room, jumping from one twin bed to the other
9:15 ahhhh quiet
9:20 mommy in bed
...and it started over the next morning!
I love that schedule. I bet you'll look back on that in years to come and wonder how you did that! :)
Aaahhh, so true! I can feel your pain, I mean joy, now! HA! It seems just like our vacations (minus one little monkey of course!) Why is it that after a vacation with your kids you feel like YOU (the adult) need a vacation for yourself??? (and that vacation should really just be a quiet, semi-dark room with a bed, the occasional meal thrown in to you and maybe the chance to TiVO your favorite show you havent' seen in the last 3 years???)
looks like the kids had a great time though and many wonderful memories and traditions were made! We'll be running our annual Florida vacation in September as usual, and be assured, the same schedule will apply!!!
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