Friday, October 16, 2009

you outta get ya one

I am very fortunate to have "Tootsie" aka my mom in our lives! Not only did she and my dad keep our trio last weekend while Jason and I had a get a way to Fayetteville for the AR/AU game, but she has been watching my sick baby boy since Tuesday afternoon! Poor Sam has been running a fever for days now; he really has no other symptoms except for a cough here and there and some snot. He didn't eat yesterday which is VERY abnormal, but his energy level remains high and he has enjoyed his time at his Tootsie's house.
Even at age 32, I have a mom who sacrifices almost daily to help me and my family. Not only do I appreciate her help but I marvel in the constant love she bestows on to her adult children. I pray I am in a position to be there for my children and grandchildren (and eventually my elderly mom) as she has been there for us. We've both told the kids that I'm Tootsie's baby and she's my mama to which Haley responds "you're not a baby, mommy...that's silly"! True, I may not be an infant but my mama's first born I'll always be (and thankful for that MOST of the time!)!
Yes, he is sick!

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