Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well, I never did find the USB cable for my camera, but luckily my mom's worked so I was finally able to download all the pics I took weekend before last. I bragged on facebook that I might have gotten the "perfect" shot of the trio for Christmas cards. Well, once uploaded and on viewed on a big screen, I'm not so sure about that! Oh well, they're still cute! Here are some funny out takes from the day.

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We'll be celebrating Thanksgiving at our house...just our little family of five. I'm looking to some quality time with my FOUR babies! And QT it will be...I'm attempting to potty train G & S in a day (or two!). Sam is already doing quite well and highly motivated by praise and suckers (thanks Rendi!) but Gracie is a different story! Say a little prayer for them and for me as we try and move past this hurdle!
Happy happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


Candace said...

SO cute! Love that trio! I know it would be a shame to leave Sam out of the Christmas card, but that picture of the girls hugging is so sweet...

Rendi said...

The picture of the girls hugging is so precious. You should do one of those cards where you can use two different pictures and Sam can just have his own shot! :) If you need more suckers, let me know!

Mama Mia said...

Great pictures - beautiful children! Love the girls hugging...even if it doesn't make the card, it will definitely be one to enlarge and frame for your home! And the close-up of Sam is precious too (another "frameable" pic) - hard to believe he is growing up so fast. Wasn't he just "the baby" not long ago??? Crazy! Hope the potty training has gone well and that you ALL have survived your "boot camp" weekend and holiday!! Hope to see you all soon - love, Jennifer DeFatta

Amy Scheel Theriot said...

Just now looking at these; I am so BLOG behind! The girls hugging is DARLING; I sure hope you have framed that one as at least an 8x10. I barely got a pic of CJT so I cannot imagine trying to get three to smile. WOW! Love them!