Monday, March 22, 2010

things I saw this weekend

On Saturday, I took the girls to a birthday party for one of Gracie's boy pals from school...they're kinda BFFs.  It was at Critter Corner which is a pet store that has a "party room" for birthday festivities and such.  Part of the drill is that various animals are brought in for the kids to see and touch if they so choose.  I had my camera but totally forgot to take pictures; however, I got these from google images just add some effects to this post!
First up was Gomer the Ferret.  I'm not crazy about these little creatures, especially when he was trying to run around the slippery tile floor.  However, he was the least of my worries.  H & G did not pet him but didn't freak out either.

Next up was the armadillo.  Honestly, the only time I've really seen one of these is when it was dead on the side of the road.  I didn't even know they could fold up into a little ball.  It was kinda fascinating.  Gracie touched his hard outer shell and several parents held him and said it was cool to hold what seemed to be a ball with a heartbeat!

At this point I'm still sitting in the back, taking in the sights.  Then its announced that a puppy was coming out....oh, I love puppies.  Here came Delilha the Shitzhu!
She had LOTS of energy but was way cute.  My girls thought she was ok but weren't big on the kisses!

Here is where my comfort level begin to take a nose dive!  A bearded dragon!  I don't really care for reptiles and amphibians.  Again, I don't remember his name but I was trying to hide in my corner while somewhat pretending to be a big girl in front of my girls!  I thought this was the grand finale and I was pretty much ready to go at this point.  Then came this...

I nearly had a stroke when the young lady brought out this 60 pound albino python wrapped around her neck.  Really, my heart was pounding and I thought I might have to exit the room!  And wouldn't you know, the girls wanted to pet this thing!!  We were given instructions to "pet" him from left to right as to not agitate his scales.  So I finally emerged from my seat in the back to make sure H & G followed the instructions PRECISELY.  The last thing I wanted to see was Python Gone Wild!  They did great, the snake did great, and I survived to tell the tale!

We had a fun time and it's always nice to have a little girl time, even if this is not how I pictured a "girly" outing!


Mama Mia said...

Having been to one of those parties myself before - I totally understand!!! It freaked me out a little too....and having to reinforce to my child on the way out that "NO, we are not taking any pets home today!!!" is never very easy on these preschoolers. But the kids do seem to enjoy it! Glad you guys had a good, Jennifer DeFatta

Rendi said...

awesome...thinkg I will stick with the bounce house!