Monday, April 12, 2010

an ode to my hometown

As I was running Saturday morning, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the spring morning and just couldn't help but feel blessed beyond measure.  I know this little town of Shreveport isn't for everyone, but I'm happy to make it my home and here are some reasons why:

S - spring and sunshine!  This current weather pattern is what every chamber of commerece, crisp mornings, highs in the 70's-low 80's, low humidity, no clouds, blue skies!! 
H - home; we've been in our house just over a year now and I love it!  The list is miles long of things I want to do to it, but considering we're planning on staying put for at least 10-15 years, I figure I've got time for all that.  Love the proximity to everything, love the size (most of the time), love the yard, even love the stopped up toilets, broken pipes and sometimes malfunctioning heat/ac!
R - running; see "S" for why this is such a great time to hit the asphalt around town!
E - eating; crawfish with friends, Johnny's pizza, Herby K's, Superior
V - vegitation; the azaleas are in bloom everwhere along with lots of other spring plants/flowers.  The trees are sprouting green buds...just can't help but smile to see God's creation
E - ease of getting around; after years of living in Dallas and the ATL, I love that I can get just about anywhere in 10 minutes or less!  Only traffic snarl is Youree drive just about anytime of the day, but most  of the time I simply avoid it
P - people, people!  Too bad Shreveport doesn't start with a "p" because this is #1 on my list!  We are surrounded by family and friends that R.O.C.K.  Without all of these special people in our lives, it would be sad.
O - October - another great weather month and my birth month (along with several other fine folks!  Ok, "O" is a stretch, but had a hard time with this little letter!)
R - really comfortable; feels right being here...I like familiarity
T - The First Baptist Church of's history, it's memebers, it's staff

And here's just a few photos of some of the things I love in this town...I couldn't fit it all into one small, Picassa collage, but you get the idea =)
(a few photos of courtesey of Candace!)


Candace said...

Oh, this is just about the most fun thing ever! After we left the crawfish boil on Friday night, Jack and I were talking about how much we loved our friends and our life here.
As for the "R," I CAN'T WAIT until we can run together again. I am missing it so much!!!!
Great post! :) Love you, my friend!

Rendi said...

I love it, too! We said the same thing after the crawfish boil! We are so very blessed and love S for Shreveport!

Deni said...

Love the ode to Shreveport, as I share your love for our hometown for many of the same reasons!!