Friday, June 25, 2010

Toy Story 3

Last Saturday we loaded the crew up and headed to the nice, cool movie theater to watch Toy Story 3.  Sam has been somewhat obsessed with the franchise since watching TS1 & 2 at school a few times and then we bought the two movies so they could be constantly viewed at our house.  I must say I love Toy Story...I vividly remember watching the first one in the theaters when it came out shortly after my high school graduation in 1995.  Yikes!  So we were all pretty excited about the newest one.  What made the outing even more exciting was the fact this was the very first movie our trio had seen in a movie theater!
Here we are outside of Tinseltown minus Gracie...the sun was too bright for her little eyes:
The movie was cute and we all enjoyed it.  I even cried towards the end!  Tootsie and Pop were there and Tootsie snuck in popcorn and drinks for the trio to enjoy!  Sam gets to go see it again tomorrow with his sweet Sunday School teacher Ms. Terrie and his buddy Zeke!  They'll have a blast!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

literally trash to treasure

I did not want to go run last Tuesday morning but I forced myself out of the bed. leashed up the dog and headed out.  We were just a quarter mile short of being back home when I saw this chair out on the side of the street with the rest of the garbage awaiting the weekly pickup.  I was so excited to see it because I have been longing for a chair to put in our bedroom to help spruce the room up a bit but did not want to pay a hefty price tag for one.  If Lily hadn't been with me I might have thrown it over my shoulders and carried it the rest of the way home but that was not going to work with my 80 pound black beauty by my side.  So we returned home quickly and I immediately ran inside, grabbed my car keys and headed back down the road to claim it.  I went that afternoon and picked up some $7 fabric from Hob Lob and voila, here she is!  She really adds a touch of class to our bedroom and that is one room that has been greatly ignored since we moved a year and a half ago.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Diddy's Day

The day started off late for the Greer clan...Sam did not rise until 6:52!  Yippee right?!  Well, the trio didn't go to bed until almost 9:00 the night before so they all needed the extra sleep and probably a little bit more, but oh well.  We'll take what we can get!   I would not be telling the truth if I said I made Jason a gourmet breakfast with the help of my loving children.  However, when he went to the grocery store Saturday afternoon, I suggested he pick up some biscuits and sausage and that could be his Father's Day breakfast that he could make for himself!  It's not that I didn't want to make him something to show my love and support, but this woman's place is certainly not in the kitchen!
We met the Flournoys, my parents and my grandparents at the Petroleum Club for lunch where we ate until well beyond full & miserable.  Our children entertained the packed dining room with the antics and giggles of happiness which beats the whining and crying.  My sisters and I all chipped in and got our dad the new Crown Royal Black.  I made a cute little card with "DDD"...Dads Deserve Drinks!  Little does he know I may be sneaking a few pulls from the bottle to relax myself!  Jason was gifted with all kinds of fun homemade goodies from his kiddos and yes, I have already stolen some chocolate morsels (I see a theme emerging!).  Poor Jason had one wish, to come home from lunch, hop in the bed, watch golf and take a peaceful nap.  He did not get his wish.  Haley decided she did not want to take a nap and made sure no one else should nap either.  So off we went instead to Academy for a new inflatable pool.  The remainder of the afternoon was spent watching the trio splash, swim, and body tackle one another in the water.  Good times, good times!
Jason made a comment on the way home from lunch talking about it being "diddy's day"; it took me back almost 5 years ago when the girls were in the hospital and he would stand at their isolette and say in his best Alabama accent "Diddy's here"!  He would tease me that they would call him diddy and not drove me nuts!  Fortunately he is daddy to them and to Sam and we're all very lucky to have him!
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Night and Day

These girls may be twins but they are different as night and day!  Today's shinning example is their wardrobe selection.  Haley did not like the cute tunic top and capris I picked out for her to wear.  All she wanted was a dress.  We have quite the selection of cute, casual, knit dresses but she chose the delicate white one hand embroidered that my grandparents got in Mexico.  That's fine...I was picking my battles and the bleach pen can do wonders should any paint stray onto the white fabric.  Next argument, shoes.  She had to wear her black church shoes which are really for the fall season.  Jason and myself tried talking out out of them and into something a littler more springy, but alas, no deal.  She obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed because the picture on the right is the best I could do and she normally hams it up for the camera!
Then there is little Miss Gracie!  As Haley was being highly dramatic in her desire to wear a dress, Gracie just kept repeating over and over that she did NOT want to wear a dress!  Good gracious almighty!!  So to her dresser she went and picked out her red t-shirt from Amsterdam that her Aunt Becky & Uncle Dave picked up while they were there last month.  Then came the obligatory white shorts and at first she settled on her baby brother's camo crocs but quickly changed to her much loved tennis shoes.  Haley was all for the pink bow in her hair but Gracie refused; I won that fight!  So there are my silly little likes dresses, the other does not.  God bless Shreve Island and their uniforms; can't wait 'til August when our choices are limited!  Of course, you can bet that Haley will be sporting the jumper and Gracie will prefer the khaki shorts/pants!