Last Saturday we loaded the crew up and headed to the nice, cool movie theater to watch Toy Story 3. Sam has been somewhat obsessed with the franchise since watching TS1 & 2 at school a few times and then we bought the two movies so they could be constantly viewed at our house. I must say I love Toy Story...I vividly remember watching the first one in the theaters when it came out shortly after my high school graduation in 1995. Yikes! So we were all pretty excited about the newest one. What made the outing even more exciting was the fact this was the very first movie our trio had seen in a movie theater!
Here we are outside of Tinseltown minus Gracie...the sun was too bright for her little eyes:The movie was cute and we all enjoyed it. I even cried towards the end! Tootsie and Pop were there and Tootsie snuck in popcorn and drinks for the trio to enjoy! Sam gets to go see it again tomorrow with his sweet Sunday School teacher Ms. Terrie and his buddy Zeke! They'll have a blast!