Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Diddy's Day

The day started off late for the Greer clan...Sam did not rise until 6:52!  Yippee right?!  Well, the trio didn't go to bed until almost 9:00 the night before so they all needed the extra sleep and probably a little bit more, but oh well.  We'll take what we can get!   I would not be telling the truth if I said I made Jason a gourmet breakfast with the help of my loving children.  However, when he went to the grocery store Saturday afternoon, I suggested he pick up some biscuits and sausage and that could be his Father's Day breakfast that he could make for himself!  It's not that I didn't want to make him something to show my love and support, but this woman's place is certainly not in the kitchen!
We met the Flournoys, my parents and my grandparents at the Petroleum Club for lunch where we ate until well beyond full & miserable.  Our children entertained the packed dining room with the antics and giggles of happiness which beats the whining and crying.  My sisters and I all chipped in and got our dad the new Crown Royal Black.  I made a cute little card with "DDD"...Dads Deserve Drinks!  Little does he know I may be sneaking a few pulls from the bottle to relax myself!  Jason was gifted with all kinds of fun homemade goodies from his kiddos and yes, I have already stolen some chocolate morsels (I see a theme emerging!).  Poor Jason had one wish, to come home from lunch, hop in the bed, watch golf and take a peaceful nap.  He did not get his wish.  Haley decided she did not want to take a nap and made sure no one else should nap either.  So off we went instead to Academy for a new inflatable pool.  The remainder of the afternoon was spent watching the trio splash, swim, and body tackle one another in the water.  Good times, good times!
Jason made a comment on the way home from lunch talking about it being "diddy's day"; it took me back almost 5 years ago when the girls were in the hospital and he would stand at their isolette and say in his best Alabama accent "Diddy's here"!  He would tease me that they would call him diddy and not drove me nuts!  Fortunately he is daddy to them and to Sam and we're all very lucky to have him!
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