Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2

I've been trying to take my camera with me on a daily basis and be on the look out for moments to capture.  As I was heading home from work week before last, I  noticed the moon peaking out and instead of being annoyed at the red light (which I can never seem to catch green!) I rolled down my window to snap a pic.
As most people know, I am not the cook in our home.  With a husband who enjoys it and is good at it, I sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor!  However, I am usually on pancake duty on the weekends because I can mix batter and water for some mean flapjacks!  However, last Sunday I was feeling extra domestic and decided to make begium waffles complete with sliced strawberries and whipped cream.  I thought it sounded delicious and was excited about the special surprise from my precious children.  That feeling was quickly replaced with frustration and anger as they turned their noses up at my special creation!  Sad, sad, but I will try again!

This afternnon was quite beautiful and almost spring like so the kids spent a good amount of time playng outside.  I happend to catch them in the act of playing nicely together; when it's good, it's good but when it's bad, it's bad.  I much prefer the time as seen below!

I hope everyone has a great week and I hope to keep the camera clicking!!

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