Week 10:
On a beautiful Sunday morning in New Orleans, I ran in my 2nd 1/2 marathon with Candace, her sister, her brother, her sister and law and Korrie. It was a great day and fun way to spend a weekend with a really great group of people. Per CDC, Lisbon in 2013!

Week 11:
We had some really great Spring weather here in Shreveport prior to the first day of spring. Trees have been budding and flowers have been blooming since early March. I caught these beauties bursting forth outside of my office building. I love the spring season...rebirth, renewal!

Week 12:
Sam celebrated St. Patrick's day as a pirate. That's totally Irish right?! Arrrr...
Woo hoo! I've been waiting for the catch up.
Lisbon, baby!!!!
I thought it was Texarkana 2013????
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