We had a great Christmas holiday in the Greer family! We spent lots of fun time with family and enjoyed having Aunt Rebekah & Uncle Dave home from cold Colorado! Santa visited the trio at our house, where the favorite gift was play dough, then he stopped off at Tootsie and Pop's house for more goodies (I must have been a good girl too because he left me stocking full of goodies!). After their house we went over to Dear & Sambo's house where the festivities continued and culminated with the most exciting gift - a red mustang from the Flournoys! As I predicted, there were some arguments since it is only a 2 seater and there are 3 of them but nothing too major. We then headed back home for a brief nap and back to Dear & Sambo's to eat late dinner/early lunch. I was glad to have the next day off of work for some recovery time.
It was good to get back to a somewhat normal schedule on Monday but we all had another day off yesterday to celebrate 2009. For new year's eve we had an early dinner at Johnny's as we are a family of 5 that looooves pizza!! Kids were in bed at the normal 7:00 and I don't think Jason and I made it until 10:30; however, I was definitely awoken at midnight when all of the fireworks were exploding around me.
I'm not one to really make new year's resolutions but I do have several goals that I will be working towards including an fun team marathon in March that Team Graney (the Greers and the Chaneys) will be participating in and I am on track to finish my CPCU designation in June. So, I'll just keep my time management, organization, and patience in check and tweak as needed throughout the year!
2009 will start off with a good, necessary, yet mildly frightening event. Gracie is set to have her tonsils and adenoids removed on January 12th. Her tonsils are 3 times the normal size and she is a heavy, heavy (I say it again!) snorer! So, say a little prayer for her and for her parents as this will be the first time she has been under anesthesia since her final eye surgery while still in the NICU.
Aww... but it will be so good when those big ol' tonsils are out!!! We'll definitely pray for your little sweet one!
Oh my goodness! Such a tiny person to have such big tonsils! We'll say a special prayer for her on the 12th and I know you'll be glad to get thru it too. Maybe you can both enjoy some ice cream afterwards! And don't worry...she probably won't remember any of it, but unfortunately you will!(it's always much worse on the parents, isn't it???) love, jennifer defatta
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