Sunday, January 11, 2009

Run On

Around Christmas time, the theme of joy kept popping into small facets of my life from a Sunday sermon, to a daily devotional and a Sunday school lesson. I found it interesting at the time and quite timely as the birthday of our Savior approached. Well, recently, another theme has been presenting itself in the same manner and that is training to run a race, spiritually and physically. The Chaneys got us encouraged to run in the Little Rock Marathon on March 15th as a team. As such, we'll each run a leg ranging from around 5 miles to 8 miles. I printed off the training schedule from the website and trying to achieve the daily goals. As much as I would like to think I can go out there that morning and run my 6.9 mile leg with no problems, I know that it will take alot of energy, effort, and training. Reinforcing that thought, I received a devotional (see link) regarding the same matter.
I could continue to attempt to draw the connection between training for race with that of our daily lives and running for the Lord, I direct your attention to Candace's blog who perfectly sums up everything I would want to say, but can't. So read, enjoy and be in prayer for Team Graney as we race the hilly landscape of Little Rock early on that March morning.

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