Monday, December 14, 2009

The Best Christmas Pageant

Last night, the FBC Shreveport Children's Ministry presented The Best Christmas Pageant. It was quite entertaining! It had all the elements of a good children's play...missed lines, wardrobe malfunctions, and falling set props! H & G made their debut in the Angel Choir.

Here are pictures of the angels getting ready to go on stage:

Here they are on stage

Although blurry, Gracie is beginning to de-robe; I was already laughing uncontrollably as Haley had gotten stuck in her her angel wings and a kind helper had to come on stage and assist her out of them!

Ahh, mission complete...robe free! Haley is behind the little boy's large wings! Although they knew the words to the songs, they quietly observed all of the others singing instead. Oh, and please note Piggy's big stage debut as well!

Celebrating with cookies!

A big thanks to Tiffani, Caroline and the rest of the team that made all of this possible!
To see a great video of a little star dancing to the tunes, check out Candace's blog:
Sam and Zeke will be old enough to participate next year...that should make it all the more exciting!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Flashback Friday 12/25/05

I cannot believe these are our girls four years ago...they were so tiny!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 09

My homemade Thanksgiving centerpiece!

Jason prepared a glorious meal for our little Greer family Thanksgiving. Unfortunately our children did not want to partake in the food. I think they sat down for all of two minutes after their daddy blessed the meal. They each managed to shovel in two Sister Schubert rolls and off they went. The two of us remaining enjoyed (albeit quickly) the feast!
Jason had to work on Friday so the trio and I had another day together. After a somewhat enjoyable trip to the grocery store (it was nice and empty due to the Black Friday shopping bargains), we came home and made sugar cookies. They enjoyed all the Christmas cookie cutters and making the various shapes. After they baked, they each got to decorate and eat their cookie! Fun times!

what a crew