Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Affirming, Attentive and connected

Finally, after two days of feeling utterly horrible, I am on the rebound and as such my schedule today was chalk full. In the midst of sorting through all my work emails and trying to figure what had been done, what needed to be done and what couldn't be done, I was trying desperately to get this found puppy of mine placed in a loving home. How depressing - every no kill shelter I tried was full. My options are waining. Not too much time to focus on that; I had to move onto my next task at church. I'm on the nominating committee and I had the simple task of calling two people to ask them to serve on a committee. Between work, a sick child and a sick me, I just got around to it yesterday and I had to report back my findings this evening. Two strikes, no return phone calls and that committee has a void for now. Wow, I can't get a puppy into a loving home and I can't get members to serve on a committee. What a way to begin my week (the prior two days don't count!). So, I wasn't real upbeat about going to my bible study session on parenting, especially after my complete lack of patience the past few days, but since I now have a husband who works 8-5, he was there so I went along. Tonight's focus was on how we as parents need to affirm our children, be attentive and stay connected. I definitely scored an "F" for my performance of late. Of course, I had to avoid the trio for two days so I didn't pass along my contagious bacterial infection, but I still need to keep those things in mind on a day to day basis. What really struck me was how we get caught up in the business of life and the things we "need" to do and the places we "need" to go. I am too tired to think of the words to elaborate, but now that I am feeling better I am going to recommit myself being the mama who is affirming, attentive and connected to my trio's little lives. They're growing up so fast!


Candace said...

Great stuff to remember, and you're right. It is SO easy just to cruise through things without stopping to really connect. I forget that all the time...

Candace said...

PS- I noticed a very affirming, attentive, and connected momma today at the birthday party... You're a great one!