Our weekend started off with bells, whistles and the angels singing!! Jason finally got the phone call we have essentially been waiting for for 5 years. He is now officially a food sales rep for Ben E Keith food distributors!!!!! Beginning tomorrow at 8:00 am, he will be working pretty stable hours of 8-5 Monday through Friday. Praise God, praise God, praise God. This blessing is a true testimony of the power of prayer, faith and perseverance. We could not be more thankful and more thrilled at this new endeavor in our lives.
So to celebrate the good news, we went out to dinner Friday night with my parents which lead us to the next adventure in our weekend. As we were leaving the restaurant, we had to cut through the back way to get to our car. As we went merrily about our way, the cutest little puppy emerged, out of no where. We said hello and continued towards our car. The puppy followed. We tried giving him some of our leftovers, but he was more interested in going with us. The parking lot was packed and he is so tiny so I could not in good conscious leave him there. We ran by the grocery and picked up some puppy food on our way home. We gave him a good flea bath,
introduced him to the trio and the little stinker ended up sleeping in our bed. Let's keep in mind that Haley is pretty scared of dogs. She has had a few bad experiences with Lily and the smallest of dogs freaks her out. She was a little hesitant Saturday morning but by the night she wasn't screaming every time he would chase after her. Sam and Gracie, especially Gracie, have really enjoyed life with a small pup. They are pretty rough on him, but he doesn't seem to mind. Jason and I tossed around keeping him, but the responsibility of a little animal is simply more than we can handle right now at this stage in our lives. When we can have more time to devote to training a puppy, it is good to know the kids will like it. So tomorrow morning, it will be with great sadness that I call our local no kill shelter to come get "puppy". We've only had him for a few short days but he has already carved out a little place in our hearts.
In the midst of the madness, we took the trio to the Revel on Saturday morning as it was the last day of the outdoor festival and we had not been. I thought they would have great fun in the mini "Brookshires" shopping for groceries. Sam loved devilishly pushing the little cart around even as he ran all over anyone in his path. Then he collided with his sister, fell down, scrapped his knee and then he was done with that. Lots of little people there so we moved over to the sand boxes. They got a real kick out of that and I enjoyed watching them play peacefully until Sam started eating the sand and pouring it down his shirt. So, onto the next activity. They wanted no part of the "triage" area. Gracie promptly took her little hospital cap and threw it back at the lady...so nice. She really just wanted to roam about which was fine for a short period of time. Then it was
time to eat and back into the strollers we went. You would have thought we cut off Gracie's last arm with the way she acted. Screamed and hollered. Made our way to the food area so there was a brief calm as we chowed down on hot dogs, grilled cheese and muffaletta pizzas. Back into the strollers and then came the mother of all melt downs! I am so glad a very loud gospel choir was singing as we left because the girls were wailing!!! Anyway, it was fun, but way more work than I had wanted to endure on a Saturday. At least they took good naps.
Then there is Sunday morning. We were already moving a bit slow and missed Sunday School but we managed to get ready for church. We were dressed, ready and about to walk out the door when I heard Jason gasp from the playroom. Apparently puppy, who is not potty trained, had decided to poop on the playroom floor...not a place I thought to check. Well, Sam did and Sam smeared it all over his precious blue and white checked longall! Not only was it disgusting but we then had to clean up Sam and the ensuing mess in the playroom. I did not walk into the church service with a joyful heart!! I was over it a short time later, but wow...not how I wanted to start off my day!! Life with children is never dull! I can look back at the crazy weekend and laugh but in the moment I loose my patience and find no humor in the situations. I continue to pray for patience each and every moment of each and every day!
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