It was such a wonderful feeling Saturday morning waking up knowing that Jason didn't have to go to work!!! Besides the fun of having him around, he had to hang out with Sam while me and the girls went to two birthday parties. The first was our lovely little friend Anna Grace's Fancy Nancy party! Her mama went all out! The girls weren't real sure about their tutus and tiaras at first but they warmed up to their outfit and had a great time. After cupcakes, cookies and several hersey kisses, there was no napping to be had before heading out to our next shindig. This party was for Haley's BFF at school, Peyton. Peyton immediately took to the girls when they started at Noel. She would walk them around and tend to them like baby dolls. She and Haley remain extra close as they are still in the same class and Gracie is in the other room, but they all have a great time together. Peyton's mommy was so excited to see us because she said Peyton had been talking for days about Haley & Gracie coming to her party! It was at a new indoor inflatable jump house in Bossier and in the past, the girls have been reluctant to jump. But, wow...this was a new days. They jumped and slid down the biggest slides...some that frightened me a little! We had a great time. Come 4:00, with a day full of fun behind us and no naps, I just knew they would crash when we got home. No such luck! After lots of screaming and tears, Haley watched tv in the den and Gracie finally dozed off in our bed but not for long. Surely, they would be ready for bed. Again, false assumptions. Somehow, my sweet little girls who used to go to bed so early and so easily have turned into little demon children that are now scared of the dark, must have at least 3 books read to them and still holler loud enought to be heard down the street. Haley has even spent several nights falling asleep on the floor in front of the door. Anyway, I hope this stages passes. They finally quieted down about 10 minutes into the LSU game so Jason and I were able to enjoy the steak and chicken fajita dinner he made for me. It is great having my own personal chef!!

Not to forget about Sam, he went with daddy to get a much needed haircut. He was given very explicit instructions on how the haircut should look upon completetion with major threats made if they butchered my baby's hair! Everything went great and Sam can now see without his hair in his eyes. After that outing the boys had a little lunch at Chick Fil A. While the girls rested post party #2, we played outside and snapped a few shots of the new do!

Sunday was just as enjoyable as we got to enjoy more family time. Jason was able to mow the lawn, sweep off the roof and clean out the cutters.
We continue to be so thankful for the blessings God has given us and providing Jason with the job that enables him to be home with us. It was a wonderful week and we look forward to many more.
Oh as a p.s., looks like we're getting closer and closer to keeping puppy...he is getting very comfortable and doesn't even mind when Sam and Gracie pull is ears, his tale and anything else they can get their hands on!
SO fun to have you at the party! We love those fancy girls!
And Sam- the new do is great. Love it.
And Nora and Jason- I just smile when I think of how the Lord has worked in your lives. You guys are two precious friends and I'm so excited about the years to come- watching our kids grow up together. Praise God for the Greers!
Now to work on our Wii skills...
You have such a cute family!
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