Gracie had her tonsils and adenoids removed this morning. Dr. Hollier was a little stunned at the size of her adenoids. He said she must have been experiencing a great deal of sleep apnea but we're hopeful that her breathing and sleeping (and maybe hearing/speech!) will be much improved after the procedure. She is obviously in a great deal of pain but sleeping off a bit of the Demerol. She was quite agitated that they wrapped up her hand to keep her iv in place as it covered her left and and her sucking thumb. Once that was removed she felt a little better but she wakes up every now and again wincing in pain. I wasn't too worried about the actual surgery but it is quite difficult to watch your child hurting and there is not much me or Jason can do about it. Lots of hugs and liquids will be in order the next few days as she heals!
Thank you so much for all the thoughts and we know, the power of prayer is unbelievable.
It was pretty funny before the surgery because they gave her some medicine to relax her and it made her all kinds of giddy and a big unbalanced, basically drunk! She would get the biggest grin on her face then tumble to the side as we all laughed. The pictures of her laughing are from pre surgery, certainly not post!
Sweet Gracie!!! That medicine they get is some good stuff... I wish I had had my video camera before AG's procedures. It was hilarious!!!
Glad she's doing well. We love you all!
So thankful she is doing okay. Keep us posted.
That medicine's the best! Madeline would talk to things that weren't there. I'm glad everything went okay with the surgery and look forward to seeing the new, improved Gracie Greer:)
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