Monday, October 13, 2008

mommies shouldn't get sick

I had been feeling a bit off the past few days but last night I didn't sleep a wink, tossing & turning with body aches and an upset tummy. Since it was Jason't first day at work, he couldn't take the trio to school but thankfully I have a great mom who came over and got them out the door. After a lenghthy doctor's appointment where I was tested for strep and the flu, it was determined I have a bacterial infection and I got a very painful shot and some medicine. The doctor told me it was contagious and to avoid my children so they wouldn't contract it. So my super mom picked up my children after school, brought them home and fed them until daddy could get home for bathtime and bedtime. I am feeling much better and the darvacet has really helped with the body aches and pains! I am looking forward to a much better night's sleep here shortly. I couldn't have made it through the day without my mom helping me...thank you!!!!!!!!


Megsy said...

Feel better Nora! I know you have your hands full. Thinking of ya!

Mama Mia said...

It is so hard when mommies get our house, when mommy goes down, everything goes downhill fast!!! hope you are feeling better soon. Thank goodness for our mothers - what would we do without them to help out??? Take care & call if we can ever help out! love, Jennifer DeFatta