Wednesday, October 8, 2008

'tis the season...

for illnesses! Gracie had a low grade fever late Friday afternoon but with a little help from our friend tylenol, she was fine until today. The call came in around 11:00 am that she was running a low fever again. That coupled with some red dots on her face meant we would be rendez vous ing with Dr. K. this afternoon. Jason picked her up from school and by the time I got home a few hours later, she was running around the house and did not have fever. Alas, we had the doctor's appointment already so we went ahead. She didn't have fever (weighed in at a heavy 20.7 pounds) but her blood count was high and her lymph nodes were swollen. Bring on the strep test! Well, it was, of course, positive. She received a shot and antibiotics and should be feeling much better in the morning. Our next concerns are Haley & Sam...pray the God of healing lets this pass over them. Since we have a high deductible health insurance plan, this illness for one just set us back over $200; I certainly don't want to multiple that by two!!! Not to mention I'm not sure I can take two more of my babies having that shot. I know it is good for them to help fight the sickness, but it is so sad to see them cry out in pain like that!
C'est la with a trio!


Jeff said...

hey nora,

I LOVE THE BLOG! i linked to you through megsy's and i was so glad to see that you joined the bandwagon...i will definitely be a regular "lurker"!!!!
so sorry miss gracie is under the weather...maddie has fever & ear infection as well! goodbye summer - hello waiting room at the doctor's office! :)
can't wait to hear about all yall's adventures!
can i link you on my blog?!


Candace said...

I was wondering where Sam was yesterday...
Poor Gracie. Lord, heal little Gracie and keep Sam and Haley well.